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Gallery 2017

2/25/2017  2017 Tech-Day #1
Saturday, February 25th, the first club tech-day of the year was held at Jeff Cook's house in Katy. Tech-Days are when club members come together to help each other accomplish much needed or desired work done on their cars.

Members attending are Shannon Birdwell, Jeff Cooke, Jeff and Kimberly Terrell, Dennis Urech and Aaron.

All photos by Shannon Birdwell (click images to enlarge).
  Examining issues before beginning work.
  What was needed was a good old-fashoned tortion bar adjustment. tday-02
tday-03 This is Jeff's stainless steel frame for the DMC-EV, dubbed the TesLorean.
tday-04 Under the flying TesLorean are the power cells, and the frame awaiting marriage.
8/12/2017  Coffee and Cars, Towne Lake
After some time off from attending events by all members, the Texas DeLorean Club is slowly becomming active again. Saturday, August 12th, the first Coffee and Cars at Towne Lake on Barker Cypress was attended by three of our members. Cars, left to right are: Shannon Birdwell, Chris Slay and Dennis Urech. Thanks for attending guys, I'll try to make the next one.

Photos by Shannon Birdwell (click images to enlarge).
  DeLoreans are always attractions at C&C, street meets and shows.
  Wait, what? Are those DeLoreans? And is that Einstein on top of that DeLorean again? How does he keep managing to show up? cac-02
12/3/2017  Texas Volunteer Firefighters Relief Fund, Annual Parade of Lights
Sunday, December 3rd, the TVFFRF Annual Parade of Lights was attended only by Shannon Birdwell.

Photos by Shannon Birdwell (click images to enlarge).
pol-01 Pre-parade.
pol-02 Doc Brown and Einstein?
  "There is a kind of victory in good work, no matter how humble.” -- Jack Kemp (1935-2009)
  This page has been viewed 4537 times.
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