DMC-12 DeLorean Owners Directory
Keeping the Dream Alive
Get DOD Publication Password  

To obtain the DOD document password (the password you will need to open the directory), please supply your VIN as well as your personal VIN password.
This is the same password that is assigned to you for entering and updating your own DOD data.

VIN : (enter VIN last 5 digits)
Your password : Forgot your password?   Click HERE to have it sent to you.

If you'd rather have the DOD available on your Android Smart Phone rather than the printable PDF document, go to the Play Store and install The DeLorean Mobile App. GetItGooglePlay
         The DeLorean Mobile App

Once installed, select "DIRECTORY SEARCH" (the second option) from the Main Menu.   Enter your own VIN and password as above, and you will be able to search The Directory data by Country, State/Provice, City, or by Last Name. This elimiates the need for the printed PDF document.

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